d d and Associates has a proven record of reliability and professionalism. Dede's attention to detail is second-to-none.
Contact d d and Associates to learn more.
Don't Let the Important Details Fall Through the Cracks
Email Campaigns | Marketing | Event Organization & Promotion
d d and Associates' attention to detail will keep your event running smoothly. She manages operational organization, marketing, email campaigns, and travel bookings where needed. She's your go-to for a successful event.
d d and Associates was founded in 1990 managing travel and location scouting for the film and music industries. Over the years our expertise has expanded to include email marketing, event organization and promotion.
d d and Associates is proud to be a Constant Contact Solution Provider as well as a licensed travel agent.
Contact us at (909) 878-FILM or (909) 878-3456 or email at ddA.bigbear@gmail.com

Contact d d and Associates. We look forward to working with you.