
d d and Associates is your source for online marketing.  From email campaigns through Constant Contact, social media marketing and website design, dd and Associates is a leading firm in marketing and promotion.

  • Send Emails
  • Add more Facebook Fans
  • Offer a Coupon
  • Create a Survey

Email Marketing (E-Campaigns)

d d and Associates manages the email marketing for several leading organizations. We offer content creation, e-blast scheduling and tracking/follow up through Constant Contact.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has become as important as a website itself. These days it’s not enough to just have a business website. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. have become key ingredients to the success of a business.

d d and Associates can help you with the creation, growth and management of your social media accounts.

Website Design and Management

Does your website need some freshening up? Or does it need a complete overhaul? dd and Associates partners with Shoreline Web Marketing for the design, development and management of web sites. WordPress is one of our preferred platforms, but we also speak html, css and php.